Events Activities

March 20, 2014
News & Events
Liver Foundation of Bangladesh organized a day long viral hepatitis awareness program at Mymensingh district head quarter on February 1, 2014. The events of the day started with a colorful rally started from Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin Museum.,Mymensingh. This is the historical Museum in the memory of Mr. Zainul Abedin, famous artist of Bangladesh. A seminar was held […]
March 19, 2014
News & Events
Liver Foundation of Bangladesh and HSBC Bangladesh jointly organized a Scientific Seminar on Awareness on Liver Diseases at Rangamati on March 4, 2014 at Hotel Green Castle Rangamati. General practitioners and local doctors of Government and private organizations attended this seminar. They were delighted to get this opportunity in this remote district head quarter. Rangamati […]
July 20, 2013
News & Events
04-12-11Mercantile Bank Ltd. donated for endoscopic facilities of Liver FoundationMercantile Bank Ltd. donated for establishment of endoscopic facilities of the Liver foundation of Bangladesh. The donation giving ceremony was held at the head office of Mercantile Bank Ltd, 61, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka, on December 03, 2011. The ceremony was chaired by Mr. Md. Abdul Jalil, […]