Reception of Prof. Mohammad Ali at Tower Hamlets, London, UK

November 10, 2021

Prof. Mohammad Ali was accorded reception from the Mayor of Tower Hamlets Mr. Luthfer Rahman on July 21, 2011 at the Tower Hamlets, London, UK. All the councilors of Tower Hamlets attended in this cordial reception party at Tower Hamlets office building.

Prof. Ali emphasized the need for cooperation of Tower Hamlets and Liver Foundation of Bangladesh. He also informed that the Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh donated land at Sylhet for establishing a specialized Liver Hospital. He pleaded their support and cooperation for making the Liver Foundation Hospital, Sylhet.

The Mayor appreciated the activities of the Liver Foundation of Bangladesh and realized the importance of establishing a specialized Liver hospital at Sylhet. He assured all out cooperation for this noble cause.
